Ever read a post, or an ad where you are told to “add value to your content” and then the person spouting this wisdom wanders off leaving you to wonder whether they were an illusion or just being ironic? If so, this article is for you. Whether someone is reading one of your blog posts, or your high ticket information product, you want them to feel that they’re reading top-notch content. This is particularly true if they’ve paid for the content because you want them to feel like they’re getting a really good deal.

So what should you do? You need to add value to your content to get more views as well, and this guide shows you how to do it! Ready to add value? Let's get started:

How to Add Value To Your Content: Solve a Specific Problem

Sure, rants, opinion pieces, and “Oh look at this cute puppy” content have their place. But if you want to create a high-quality, valuable piece of content, then it needs to solve a specific problem. Even better value if you create content that solves a problem for the experts in your niche because then they'll talk about you to their audience.

So before you even sit down and write one word, ask yourself: “What problem am I going to solve? What do I want readers to know how to do by the time they've finished reading this?” Asking yourselves those questions will sharpen the purpose of your content and make it more valuable.

By the time you finish reading this post, you will have a head full of ideas on how to add value to your content plus you'll want the worksheet at the bottom of this post!

How to Add Value To Your Content: Remind People Why Your Content is Valuable

In other words, build credibility. For example, is your content valuable because:

  • You’re a known expert in the niche?
  • You have certain skills or background experiences that make you uniquely qualified to share this information? (I have this in spades)
  • You’ve won certain awards in your niche? (I've won a slew for content marketing you'll be delighted to know)

Let’s suppose you’re sharing content about how to write a bestselling novel. Your content will be more valuable if you can establish that you’ve written your own bestselling novel. This lends to your credibility.

After all, what is more valuable: advice from bestselling novelist Stephen King, or advice from me, some random writer who you've just found who’s never hit the mainstream bestseller list? Sure, you may not be Stephen King, but your advice is still more valuable if you’ve had bestsellers or won awards, versus the person who doesn’t walk the talk.

How to Add Value To Your Content: Provide Tools

Another way to boost the value of your content is by offering tools that help people achieve their goals.

Let’s suppose you’re sharing a guide about how to write better sales copy. Below you’ll find an example of various tools with specific examples that you could offer your aspiring copywriters:

  • For example, “The 27 Point Checklist For Creating Cash-Pulling Copy.”
  • For example, “The Surefire Sales Letter Template.”
  • For example, “101 Headline Swipes For Every Occasion.”
  • For example, “The Audience Profiling Worksheet.”
  • For example, “How To Write a Sales Letter In Seven Days.”
  • Cheat sheets. For example, “The High-Response Sales Letter Cheat Sheet.”

Tools get the attention of your audience, and they now start to trust you and if you have really good tools… Then they start to love you because you make their life easier. There's nothing more valuable than this!

How to Add Value To Your Content: Format For Easy Readability

You're sharing text content and your readers have to struggle to read it, the perceived value is going to be very low. So make it easy to read by using these tips:

  • Choose a “comfortable” font. Some people think that small fonts or hard-to-read fonts are edgy and polished. They’re not. They’re annoying and hard to read. So choose standard fonts in standard font sizes, such as 14-point Tahoma, Arial, or Times New Roman.
  • Create short words, sentences, and paragraphs. No one wants to read a wall of text, it makes their eyes tired. Break up long paragraphs into multiple paragraphs, or even into bulleted lists.
  • Proof your content. If it's riddled with errors, the perceived value is going to drop faster than a lead balloon.

How to Add Value To Your Content: Insert Graphics

A picture is worth 1000 words, right? And that’s why adding graphics to your content can help raise the perceived value. This is particularly true if your graphics help explain the concepts you’re describing.

For example, if you’ve created a blog post about how to do five different types of exercises, then share pictures or illustrations of how to do these exercises. These illustrations are much more useful and valuable than text-only descriptions.

Another example: if you’re sharing data-heavy content, then share it via an infographic, which makes the data easier to understand and consume.

How to Add Value To Your Content: Offer Multimedia

Text generally has the lowest perceived value, followed by audio, video, and live events. So if you want to boost the perceived value of a piece of text content, then all you have to do is offer it in an alternative format, such as a video.

TIP: Better yet, offer your content in multiple formats. That way, prospects, and customers can choose the format that best suits their learning style. And having multiple formats boosts the overall value of your content.

How to Add Value To Your Content: Project Confidence

No one wants to get advice from an expert who sounds uncertain. That’s why you’ll want to project confidence and authority in all your content.

For example, here’s an uncertain statement:

“You’ll probably want to drink more water when you’re dieting, as it might help you lose weight.”

Now let’s rewrite that statement to sound more confident:

“Drink more water – at least eight glasses a day – when you’re dieting. Water not only helps you feel fuller, it also helps your entire body work better – and that includes your fat-burning abilities!”

See the difference? The first sentence sounds uncertain. The second sentence not only sounds more confident, but it also provides two solid reasons why drinking water is beneficial to weight loss. When you can offer both the “how” (drink more water”) and the “why” of that instruction, your content will become more authoritative.

Simply put, people value content that’s coming from an authoritative voice, so project your confidence into your content whenever you write.

As you just discovered, boosting the perceived value of your content doesn’t need to be difficult. Just use the tips above, and you’ll have happy, satisfied readers who’ll keep coming back to you for their inspiration again and again!


Sarah Arrow

With over 20 years of experience, Sarah Arrow (me!) knows the ins and outs of effective blog writing, which is why she makes her excellent at website copywriting, or, as a blog copywriter. My expertise ensures your blog will captivate readers and deliver your message effectively. Experience? This spans various industries, giving me a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to draw upon. This extensive background means she can adapt her writing to fit your specific needs and audience.

Ready to elevate your website or blog? I am the writer you need. My experience, skill, and passion for online writing make me the perfect choice for your blog copywriting needs. Contact me today and see the difference a professional content writer can make.

What Sets Me Apart?
Human Touch: My writing resonates on a personal level. I understand human psychology and use this to create content that connects.
Attention to Detail: Every post is detailed. Grammar, style, and accuracy are important in my work.
Consistency: I deliver high-quality content consistently, ensuring your website blog remains fresh and engaging.

If you're ready to get started join the free blogging challenge and do it yourself, or call me on 07816 528421 to do it for you.

  • I love multi-format content, it adds value and re-purposes what you already have to reach more people in a way that they enjoy or prefer and just generally puts your content to work harder for you without having to start all over on something new.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}


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