The Story
Blogging serves many purposes. You may have a lot of thoughts and want to share them. Or perhaps you like to lighten others' lives with your sense of humour. Perhaps you educate potential customers with your knowledge and generate leads for your business. Maybe your main goal is to make money with your blog. Whatever your reason for starting your blog, there's another great reason to blog as well. Blogging your thoughts, feelings, and ideas can free your mind for you and your readers.
In many ways, blogging can facilitate discovering solutions for emotional challenges / burdens and helps you work through whatever you're experiencing.
Blogging provides you with an opportunity to journal about how you feel. If you don't typically journal or keep a diary, writing about your life provides you with the "space" to record life's events. This, in turn, can help you with your mental wellbeing. If you're an entrepreneur think of it as making notes for your memoir.
Mental processing. Blogging encourages you to process your emotions and thoughts. As you write, you take the time to think about your experiences. This processing has a powerful impact on you as well as your business.
Seeking solutions. Writing a blog often involves reviewing a situation and discussing possible options. Whether you blog about an event before it occurs or afterwards, you'll likely take a closer look at the situation than you normally would.
Helping others. In addition to freeing your own mind with blogging, you can also contribute to the lives of others. When we read a blog, we learn about what another person has experienced.
Whether the blog post is about trying something new for the first time, going through a difficult life situation, or having an epiphany, we take in all the information a blogger offers to us and apply it to our own situation.
Also, blogging promotes healing as others read about your struggles and your eventual rise above those challenges. Your readers may find your experiences inspiring. Plus, much to your readers' delight, they might also find that your ideas help them solve their own problems, or the pathway to resolving those issues.
Regular blogging builds confidence. Let's face it: the more you blog, the better writer you become. Communication becomes easier. Likewise, the more you evaluate your life and how to address challenging situations, the better you get at doing so. The reason it seems like I have my life in order is simple - I do so because I blog. Blogging on a regular basis not only improves your writing but your desire to do things and achieve things outside of your bubble.
Blogging keeps you connected to something bigger than yourself.
Have you ever felt lost or "free-falling," like you weren't attached to anyone or anything? Writing a blog can help you reconnect.
If you're looking for an audience, new virtual friends, or just the possibility of getting feedback on your own writing, blogging can provide these healing events.
When you blog, you become a member of another community: the internet. This can be healing if you feel alone or are seeking camaraderie. If you are struggling with lockdown or quarantine, blogging is cheap therapy and will help relieve your anxieties. You will also find you are not alone, that others feel the same way.
Blogging frees you.
Being honest and telling the truth about how you feel is liberating. Throughout life, many of us have learned (or were taught) to keep our feelings and emotions under wraps. However, releasing feelings in non-destructive ways can contribute to a healthier, happier life.
As you can see, blogging will bring greater peace and contentment to you as you process your experiences. And when you blog, you also stand to touch the lives of others through your words. Perhaps the best part of all, though, is that you can start blogging today!
Simply choose your blogging platform and go for it!
And if you need help, join the 30 Day Business Blogging Challenge and blog for 30 days. You'll not only develop a fantastic writing muscle, you'll free your mind in the process.