Pop-ups and opt-in forms are so common that you expect to see them on most websites. You might even think that we’re generally oblivious to these pop-ups, just like advertising banners. But what if the pop up we saw was something we were interested in? Would you sign up to get the freebie if it was valuable to you? Of course, you would. What if the pop-up had your name? But here's the problem… People could be interested in different things even in one niche, and hyper-personalised content is a thing of the future, isn't it?
What if these things are a reality? For example, if you were in the ‘affiliate marketing’ niche and you were sharing information on increasing your sales, some of your visitors may be interested in making money on ClickBank, while others are looking for tips to promote physical products on Amazon and so on. Within the niche itself, there are differences. But with most conventional pop-up tools, you’ll probably display the same pop-up and freebie across your site. Or you may have different pop-ups, but you still won’t know if you’re targeting the right person with your freebie. If only there was a way to show a relevant pop up to a visitor based on their actions on your site.
Guess what? Now there is… and it’s a brilliant piece of software called ConvertBox. Let’s see why this tool takes the online marketing scene by storm…
The Pros of Convertbox
ConvertBox Has Personalized messaging
Yes! ConvertBox can even send messages such as, “Hi John! Welcome back…” to the visitor because it’s tracking the users on your site. This is something you’ll not see on most sites and will definitely make an impression on your visitors.
ConvertBox Has Targeted Lead Messages
What ConvertBox does is that it tracks where your visitors are coming from and the actions they take on your site. If we used the earlier example, ConvertBox will know that visitors to your site are mostly reading posts on affiliate marketing with ClickBank. Now it will display a pop up that offers a freebie such as ‘7 Tips To Getting Sales On Clickbank’. You can bet that the visitor will be much more likely to sign up for this freebie because that’s what he/she is interested in.
This is how ConvertBox targets your visitors. Of course, you’ll be the one creating the different opt-in forms and lead magnets, but this extra effort will yield exponential rewards and accelerate your list building.
ConvertBox Has a Wide Variety of Forms And Countdown Timers
There are many custom forms within ConvertBox that you can edit and tweak to quickly create forms for your site. Create genuine urgency and scarcity for your offers with countdown timers inside your call-to-action. ConvertBox makes it easy to launch scheduled or evergreen deadline promotions with just a few clicks.
ConvertBox is Easy to Install
You’d think that such an advanced tool would be difficult to install… and yet, that’s not the case. You can install ConvertBox on your site and use it in minutes.
ConvertBox isn't Restricted to WordPress Websites
If you can add HTML, you can add your Convertbox. If you're hosting your website on Wix or using another CMS system, you can use ConvertBox. Don't get me wrong, I love WordPress and have many WordPress websites, but I also use New Zenler for our digital marketing courses, and I can use Convertbox inside the courses with ease! And if you're all in with WordPress? There's an easy to use a plugin that you can install. Please note, that's self-hosted WP, and not your regular WP.com sites unless you can add custom HTML.
ConvertBox utilises A/B split testing
ConvertBox will allow you to split test your pop-ups, etc. You’ll have access to real-time analytics to keep your winning forms and ditch what’s not working. Always remember to keep split testing against your control. Improving your conversions is one of the best ways to speed up your list building and generate more sales. I'm currently testing my second set of blogging challenge Convert Boxes so that I can gain the optimal number of opt-ins.
ConvertBox is Extremely Easy to Use
The drag and drop feature in ConvertBox will allow you to build forms fast. Even beginners will have no problem using the software. You don’t need to be ‘techy’ to figure it out. I'll confess t being relieved to share this with you. Some of the tools and resources we share are excellent but have a learning curve. You can purchase and have a Convertbox on your site in less than 20 minutes. 30 minutes if you're flicking between Facebook and your website as you use it ;).
ConvertBox Has Audience Segmenting
When you use ConvertBox, you’ll be able to segment your visitors into different email lists. You can easily create multi-choice (I'm so planning on using this more in 2022) and multi-step funnels so you can segment, tag and deliver highly personalised offers specific to your website visitors interests and goals. I want to create highly personalized experiences rather than the run of the mill stuff you normally see, and Convertbox will help me with this. If you want a higher degree of targeting, you can use the tagging features within your autoresponder to further segment your visitors. This feature will allow you to send highly targeted emails to people interested in specific offers you’re selling or promoting. You will get more sales, but you’ll have less unsubscribers as well.
ConvertBox Boosts On-Site Engagement With More Personalised Messaging
Engage visitors addressing them personally by name, company or other data you've collected using powerful dynamic text replacement features! Adding the person's name makes them feel more welcome and more likely to interact with your content.
ConvertBox is Currently a One-time Fee
With most SaaS (Software as a Service) tools charging a monthly fee, ConvertBox only charges you a one-time fee, and you can use the tool for a lifetime. No recurring costs here.
ConvertBox: The Cons
Despite it being a one-time fee costing $495, this amount might be too much for beginner marketers on a tight budget.
This tool is perfect for established websites that are already getting traffic and need a higher degree of targeting to give the visitor the most relevant content. It's great for flash sales for your existing customers and the personal touch points that everyone desires but doesn't seem to get.
Should You Get ConvertBox?
If you have a niche site promoting several different products, you’ll want ConvertBox to segment your audience and build more targeted lists.
This is one of the unique software tools on the market. Since it’s new, it still hasn’t caught on yet – which explains why early adopters are getting a one-time payment option.
Once ConvertBox goes mainstream, you can expect to pay for it monthly. So it’s best to get in early (now) while it’s still a one-time fee. This is a powerful tool that will increase conversions and sales and build your list faster than you ever dreamed possible.