Sometimes just writing about parenting, or just writing about hairdressing or car window tinting is a little limiting. If you're feeling this, know that it's perfectly normal to do so. It can also be a sign that you're ready to expand your niche. Don’t just talk about some random niche topic. Try to find one that is already important in the marketplace but that meshes well with your main niche.
For example, if you’re in the parenting niche, then you could easily introduce a niche that talks about home security or other family-related concerns. You tap into emotions (keeping the family safe) while at the same time, creating an opportunity to present more products to your audience in the form of alarms, camera doorbells, window sensors, baby monitors, etc.
You can advertise these products and use affiliate links within the post to earn even more money. A niche like parenting could tie in nicely with things like gardening, stress relief, sleep, fitness, nutrition, pets and more.
Content Format That Works for This Type of Content
From experience, text and images work really well for this type of content. Branded product images also enhance the content, and pinnable infographics help increase traffic.
Calls to Action for This Type of Content
If you've got lovely pinnable images, as your readers to pin the content to a related Pinterest board.