It's Sarah Arrow here, and today, we're about to embark on a little journey through the ins and outs of your blog. We're conducting a blog audit! Now, don't let that phrase scare you. I know “audit” might sound like a big, complex process, but trust me, it can be quite straightforward when broken down into manageable steps. Ready? Let's jump in!
Defining Goals of Blog Audit
First off, we need to know why we're doing this audit. Maybe you want to increase engagement? Or perhaps you aim to improve SEO? Possibly, you've got some outdated content that needs a little refreshing? Having clear goals at the outset will keep our audit on track and make sure it's providing valuable insights.
Gathering Your Blog Posts
Our first active step involves getting all of your blog posts in one place. Picture a shepherd gathering their flock. A simple spreadsheet does the job nicely here. Include necessary details like the post's title, URL, and publish date. Consider this your blog post inventory, a snapshot of all your past work.
Analyzing Blog Post Performance
Now it's time to put on your detective hat and dive into some analytics. We're looking for clues about how each post is performing. You'll want to look at visitor numbers, how long they're staying on the page (aka ‘dwell time'), how many shares each post got, and the number of comments. For instance, a post like “10 Best Ways to Relax on a Weekend” might have received more comments and shares than your regular posts. That's a sign your readers are keen on more lifestyle-oriented content.
SEO Analysis
Next, we're going to give our posts an SEO check-up. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about making sure your blog posts are easy to find on search engines like Google. You'll want to check things like your use of keywords, the meta descriptions (that's the short summary of your post that appears on search results), title tags, backlinks (other websites that link to your blog), and whether your images have alt text (a description that helps search engines understand the image).
Content and Format Analysis
Then, it's time to put your reader's hat on and look at the actual content of your blog posts. Ask yourself – are the posts still relevant? Is the tone and voice consistent? Are the posts easily readable? Also, how about the layout and the use of media? A post with a great balance of text, images, infographics, and maybe even a video thrown in could be a big hit, like the one I did on “A Visual Guide to Coffee Brewing Methods.”
Action Planning
Now, here comes the fun part – making an action plan! All your detective work will help you draw up a to-do list. Maybe you realized you need to use more engaging titles or that a series of posts from 2018 could do with a bit of updating. Or perhaps, it's time to sprinkle in some more keywords for SEO.
Regular Auditing
A key thing to remember is that a blog audit isn't a one-time thing. It's an ongoing process, just like your blog itself. Consider doing an audit every six months, or at the very least, annually. This will help ensure your blog stays in tip-top shape.
So there you have it! Conducting a blog audit might seem like a mountainous task, but with these steps, it's more of a pleasant hillside walk.
Remember, this is all about improving your blog, understanding your readers better, and ultimately, growing as a blogger.
So why not start your blog audit journey today and let me know how you get on?
Got any questions or insights to share? The comments section is all yours! Happy auditing, dear readers!